Smart Health Plans

About Smart Health Company

SmartHealth Company is a US based FMO that was founded by health benefits specialists and small business entrepreneurs. We understand that one of the biggest and costliest challenges all businesses face is healthcare benefits.


Who We Are

In today’s market, employers are expected to offer health benefits and the need for reliable and affordable health care benefits is greater than ever. Simply providing high deductible, high cost health plans is not a viable solution and both employers and employees know it.
The SmartHealth Company works exclusively with small business groups, sole proprietors, and 1099 contractors to provide them with affordable and accessible health benefits helping to give them a competitive advantage in the work marketplace; to retain and attract the quality talent needed to help make their businesses succeed.


SmartHealth’s founding partners have over 75 years of combined experience in healthcare benefit plan development, implementation. and marketing


From innovative products to robust operational functionality,
SmartHealth continues to improve how healthcare benefits are fulfilled and delivered for our clients


SmartHealth provides clients with accessible and affordable healthcare benefits that offer lower monthly rates and out of pockel costs


SmartHealth products are specifically designed to meet the healthcare needs of small businesses, self employed 1099 individuals, or individuals and families responsible for their own healthcare combining flexibility with affordability

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